April 12 Commentary

Weather in London was miserable--cold, windy and wet.  We packed clothes only for South Africa so we were unprepared.

We spent the afternoon in warm Harrod's which had a shrine set up for Diana and Dodi--a little maudlin but we enjoyed the usual browsing in the store.

We had dinner at a Belgian restaurant in a warehouse-type setting served by waiters dressed as monks.  While there, we sat next to a United Airlines pilot who told us he was from Philadelphia.  We told him we had a great evening at a Belgian restaurant in Philadelphia last year while attending the flower show there but he had never heard of the restaurant (Monk's Cafe).  In any event, the Philadelphia restaurant was better.

After dinner, we walked about four blocks to the theater to see The Lion King.  It was very enjoyable and now we are ready for Africa.

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