September 12, 2003--College Fjord

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557 558 559 562 563 564 566
567 568 570 571 573 574 575
576 577 578 579 580 581 584
586 587


September 12 was to be devoted to more glaciers but not until the afternoon when we would arrive at College Fjord.  This gave an opportunity in the morning to take a few pictures of the Island Princess, shown in photos 557-564.  It is great to sail on a ship that is brand new as long as the kinks have been worked out, which seemed to be largely the case on our cruise.


We did not arrive at College Fjord until about 3 in the afternoon and stayed there for about three hours.  This period was the only time of bad weather on the trip, since it was cold and drizzly while we were there. 


This inlet is called College Fjord because it consists of one glacier after another, all named after colleges (mostly Ivy League schools).  At the rear of this inlet, we spent some time at Harvard Glacier (574-575) and then made our way back to the open sea.  In all, we probably saw at least ten glaciers in this area.  We were also surprised to see the vivid blue ice (579 and 584) which was really striking in the water by itself.  There was some wildlife on the shores of  College Fjord but one had to use binoculars to pick it out and even then, it was difficult.

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